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Rethinking Children's Rights : Attitudes in Contemporary Society, Hardcover b...

Rethinking Children's Rights explores attitudes towards and experiences of children's rights. Phil Jones and Sue Welch draw on a wide range of thought, research and practice from different fields and countries to debate, challenge and re-appraise long held beliefs, attitudes and ways of working and living with children.

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ConditionLike New
Book TitleRethinking Children's Rights : Attitudes in Contemporary Society
Subject AreaLaw, Education
Publication NameRethinking Children's Rights : Attitudes in Contemporary Society
PublisherBloomsbury Publishing
Item Length9.2 in
SubjectChild Advocacy, Elementary, Research, Philosophy, Theory & Social Aspects
Publication Year2018
SeriesNew Childhoods Ser.
Item Height0.8 in
AuthorSue Welch, Phil Jones
Item Weight21.8 Oz
Item Width6.1 in
Number of Pages312 Pages

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