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Reverse Chronic Kidney Disease: How To Improve Kidney Function And Avoid Dial...

This book is a valuable resource for those who want to improve their kidney function and prevent dialysis. Written by Yaw A Boateng, MD, PhD and published by Mizpah, it provides practical tips and advice on how to reverse chronic kidney disease. The package dimensions of this book are 8.43x5.47x0.59 inches and it weighs 0.62 pounds. It is categorized as a textbook and falls under the Books & Magazines, Education & Reference, and Textbooks categories. Whether you are a patient, caregiver, or healthcare professional, this book can help you understand the best ways to improve your kidney function.

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Item167042320150Ebay Right Now
Seller lmj01 ( 477 ⭐ ) 100.0%
Location: Pineville, US, Louisiana
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ConditionBrand New
Package Dimensions LxWxH8.43x5.47x0.59 Inches
AuthorYaw A Boateng, MD, PhD
Weight0.62 Pounds

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