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Revisiting The Waste Land by Lawrence Rainey (English) Paperback Book

This groundbreaking book of literary detective work alters our understanding of T. S. Eliot's poetic masterpiece, The Waste Land. Lawrence Rainey not only resolves longstanding mysteries surrounding the composition of the poem but also overturns traditional interpretations of the poem that have prevailed for more than eighty years.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleRevisiting &Quot;The Waste Land&Quot;
PublisherYale University Press
Item Length9.3 in
Publication Year2007
Item Height0.6 in
AuthorLawrence Rainey
GenreLiterary Criticism
TopicGeneral, European / English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh
Item Weight12.3 Oz
Item Width6.1 in
Number of Pages224 Pages

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