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Right Identity: A Guide to Identity Restoration For Healing and Freedom

You tried to hold on to a good life, but it came crashing down. I know firsthand how not knowing who you are leads to a life of anger, covering up pain, and not being authentic even to the ones who love you best. This response yields more heartache, pain, and confusion. Take off the bandages and begin to heal from the inside out! Hope requires getting to the root of our issues. God has already created our blueprint, yet we become dependent upon the world's way of identity and it doesn't last. God is waiting for you to exchange the life you want for the life He has for you, Come walk in your own Right Identity!

13.05$ Buy It Now

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Location: Hillsdale, AU, NSW
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ConditionBrand New
FormatPaperback, 102 pages
AuthorLarhonda Nicole
Book TitleRight Identity: A Guide to Identity Restoration Fo
Item Height0.7 cm
Item Length21.6 cm
Item Weight0.13 kg
Item Width14 cm
PublisherT.A.L.K. Consulting, LLC

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