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Rise of Neoliberal Feminism, Hardcover by Rottenberg, Catherine, Brand New, F...

In the past few years feminism has indeed gained increasing visibility and even urgency. Rather, this feminism has introduced the notion of a happy work-family balance into the popular imagination, while transforming balance into a feminist ideal.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleRise of Neoliberal Feminism
Subject AreaPolitical Science, Social Science
Publication NameRise of Neoliberal Feminism
PublisherOxford University Press, Incorporated
Item Length8.3 in
SubjectFeminism & Feminist Theory, General, Political Ideologies / Conservatism & Liberalism
Publication Year2018
SeriesHeretical Thought Ser.
Item Height0.8 in
AuthorCatherine. Rottenberg
Item Weight13.6 Oz
Item Width5.9 in
Number of Pages256 Pages

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