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Role of Self-esteem in Foreign Language Learning and Teaching, Paperback by H...

This book demonstrates how foreign language self-esteem (FLSE) affects foreign language (L2) learning and teaching, and how it fluctuates with growing proficiency. Further, it explains the interaction between FLSE and a range of factors of recognized importance in second language acquisition (SLA).

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleRole of Self-esteem in Foreign Language Learning and Teaching
Subject AreaLanguage Arts & Disciplines, Education
Publication NameRole of Self-Esteem in Foreign Language Learning and Teaching
PublisherSpringer International Publishing A&G
Item Length9.3 in
SubjectTeaching Methods & Materials / Language Arts, Linguistics / General
Publication Year2019
SeriesSecond Language Learning and Teaching Ser.
FormatTrade Paperback
AuthorAgnieszka Habrat
Item Weight16 Oz
Item Width6.1 in
Number of PagesXv, 172 Pages

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