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Ron Carlson Writes a Story: Tips from a Master of the Craft by Ron Carlson Paper

In this series of personal essays, Carlson explores his own process, inviting the reader to watch over his shoulder as he creates the short story "The Governor's Ball.". Carlson urges the writer to refuse the outside distractions--a second cup of coffee, a troll through the dictionary--and attend to the necessity of uncertainty, the pleasures of an unfolding story.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleRon Carlson Writes a Story
Publication Year2023
FormatTrade Paperback
Publication NameRon Carlson Writes a Story : Tips from a Master of the Craft
Item Height0.3 in
AuthorRon Carlson
PublisherOpen Road Integrated Media, Inc.
Item Length8 in
Item Weight5.1 Oz
Item Width5.2 in
Number of Pages120 Pages

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