The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Religion is an indispensable guide and reference source to the major themes, movements, debates and topics in philosophy of religion. Sixty-nine entries from a team of renowned international contributors are organized into nine clear parts: philosophical issues in world religions key figures in philosophy of religion religious diversity the theistic conception of God arguments for the existence of God arguments against the existence of God philosophical theology christian theism recent topics in philosophy of religion. This second edition includes new chapters on Blaise Pascal; Interreligious Dialogue; Death and the Afterlife; Religion and Global Ethics; and Religion, Film, and Technology. Covering key world religions including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam, and key figures such as Augustine, Aquinas and Kierkegaard, the book explores the central topics in theism such as the ontological, cosmological and teleological arguments for God's existence. Three final parts consider Catholicism, Protestantism, Eastern orthodoxy and current debates including phenomenology, reformed epistemology, religious experience, and religion and science. The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Religion is essential reading for anyone interested in philosophy, religion and related disciplines.