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Rural Caregiving in the United States: Research, Practice, Policy by Ronda C. Ta

Caregivers living in rural areas face daunting obstacles. Rural Caregiving in the United States by Ronda C. Talley, Kathleen Chwalisz, Kathleen C. Buckwalter. Title Rural Caregiving in the United States.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleRural Caregiving in the United States
Subject AreaSocial Science, Psychology, Medical
Publication NameRural Caregiving in the United States : Research, Practice, Policy
PublisherSpringer New York
Item Length9.3 in
SubjectSocial Work, Public Health, General, Clinical Psychology
Publication Year2011
SeriesCaregiving: Research * Practice * Policy Ser.
AuthorKathleen Chwalisz
Item Weight21.6 Oz
Item Width6.1 in
Number of PagesXx, 276 Pages

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