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Scottish Soldiers in Colonial America, Part Five by Dobson, David [Paperback]

The French and Indian War led to significant recruitment in Scotland, particularly in the Highlands, for service in America. This experience led many soldiers to decide to settle in or immigrate to America. The allocation of land to former personnel in the aftermath of the war was a major incentive. This book, the fifth part and fourth volume in a series, is based on primary and published source material located in Scotland, London, Canada, the United States, and the West Indies. For most of the 1,100 soldiers found here, Dobson provides a place of origin in Scotland, military unit, place of service or settlement in North America, and one or more dates. For many of the soldiers, he also provides birthplace, names of family members, where they were granted land, battles fought in, and more.

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ConditionBrand New
FormatPaperback, 136 pages
AuthorDobson, David
Book TitleScottish Soldiers in Colonial America, Part Five b
Item Height0.7 cm
Item Length21.6 cm
Item Weight0.16 kg
Item Width14 cm

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