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Shaping the Past : Theme, Time and Place in Local History: Essays in Honour o...

Dr. David Dymond is one of Britain's most highly respected local historians. He is a Vice President of the British Association for Local History and of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History, President of the Suffolk Records Society, and an honorary fellow of the University of East Anglia.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleShaping the Past : Theme, Time and Place in Local History: Essays
Subject AreaHistory
Publication NameShaping the Past : Theme, Time and Place in Local History-Essays in Honour of David Dymond
PublisherUniversity of Hertfordshire Press
Item Length9.8 in
SubjectSocial History, Europe / Great Britain / General
Publication Year2021
SeriesStudies in Regional and Local History Ser.
FormatTrade Paperback
Item Height0.5 in
AuthorEvelyn Lord
Item Weight17.3 Oz
Item Width6.8 in
Number of Pages256 Pages

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