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Should Euthanasia Be Allowed? For Dummies It's a Debate - ABC

Should euthanasia be allowed? for Dummies it's up for debate "It's up for debate! ", the new collection of "for Dummies" books directed by Olivier Duhamel, which deciphers hot current affairs topics. What is a good death? How to respond to suffering? What does it mean to have to decide when to die? Is the opposition between palliative care and euthanasia tenable? So many delicate questions that have punctuated the debate on euthanasia for several years, and to which Emmanuel Hirsch provides elements of response to understand the issues. True to the spirit of Les Nuls, this new collection aims to help readers understand the issues at stake in today's major debates and form an opinion. On each subject, An expert contextualizes the debate then expose conflicting views in a simple and educatio.

15.34$ Buy It Now

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Seller artdeschoix1 ( 38517 ⭐ ) 98.9%
Location: Ailhon, FR
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ConditionBrand New
FormatLinked Up
AuthorFrancis Hirsch
Year of publication2018
date of publication2019

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