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Sissy and Juju: A Sibling Story by Presents, Brooke Dale

Manipulation, child abandonment, sexual, mental, physical and emotional abuse were just a portion of what these siblings endured. Cecelia and Julius, known to the neighborhood as Sissy and Juju, the sister and brother duo, were all each other had. Would that be enough for them to survive? Or, would one of the siblings lives be on the line as they deal with life's struggles and what seems to be a ghost that has returned from their past.

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Location: Los Angeles, US, CA
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ConditionBrand New
FormatPaperback, 32 pages
AuthorPresents, Brooke Dale
Book TitleSissy and Juju: A Sibling Story by Presents, Brook
Item Height0.2 cm
Item Length20.3 cm
Item Weight0.04 kg
Item Width12.7 cm
PublisherBowker Identifier Services

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