Series Editor's Introduction Introduction: Theorising the University in an Age of Uncertainty, The Editors Part I: Social Theory and University Governance 1. Social Theory and Academic Governance, Mark Murphy (University of Glasgow, UK) 2. University Management as Court Society: A Processual Analysis of the Rise of University Management, Eric Lybeck (University of Manchester, UK) 3. Tales From the Matrix: Student Satisfaction as a Form of Governmentality, Stephen Day and Anne Pirrie, (University of the West of Scotland, UK) 4. What Does it Mean to Assess Quality? A Sociohistorical Analysis of Quality Assurance Systems in Chilean Higher Education, Tomás Koch (Playa Ancha University, Chile) and Julio Labraña (University Diego Portales, Chile) Part II: Social Theory and the Politics of Academic Life 5. The Politics of Academic Life: Professional Identities and Intellectual Selves in Neo-Liberal Times, Cristina Costa (Durham University, UK) 6. The Experimental Rhythms of Academic Work, Fabian Cannizzo (Monash University, Australia) 7. Exploring Academic Identities in the Neoliberal University, David Hodgson and Lynelle Watts (Curtin University, Australia) 8. Gender and the University: Stories So Far and Spaces Between, Kate Carruthers Thomas (Birmingham City University, UK) 9. On Epistemonormativity: From Epistemic Injustices to Feminist Academic Caringzenship, Luísa Winter Pereira (University of Granada & University of Coimbra) 10. Governing The 'Good' Casual Academic: Institutionalised 'Othering' Practices, Alexandra Jones, Jess Harris (University of Newcastle, Australia), Nerida Spina and Jen Azordagen (Queensland University of Technology, Australia) Part III: Social Theory and The Student Experience 11. Student Politics: Resistance, Refusal and Representation, Ciaran Burke (University of the West of England, UK) and Rille Raaper (Durham University, UK) 12. Habermas and Foucault: Understanding Hostility to Higher Education and Graduate Debt, Cedomir Vuckovic (University Manchester, UK) 13. Neoliberal governmentality in Peruvian Higher Education: A case study of student union resistance and conflict, Diego A. Salazar-Morales (King's College, London, UK) 14. The Space of Authoring in Constructing Student and Graduate Career Identities, Fiona Christie, James Rattenbury and Fiona Creaby (Manchester Metropolitan University, UK) References Index