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Sourdough Starter: A Beginners Guide to Making Sourdough Bread by May, Elizabeth

Sourdough bread is completely unique, and there isn't anything quite like it out there. Learning how to make this bread, and how to create something that is your own masterpiece can take some time, but with the sourdough bread starter that we have in this guidebook, and some of the tasty recipes that you can choose from, it won't take long to make this a reality. When you are ready to learn more about making your own sourdough bread, this guidebook will get you started!

12.80$ Buy It Now

Item116355185422Ebay Right Now
Seller yourglobalmall ( 42780 ⭐ ) 97.2%
Location: Hillsdale, AU, NSW
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ConditionBrand New
Item Length22.9 cm

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