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Speaking of Race: Language, Identity, and Schooling Among African American

Speaking of Race explores the linguistic practices of African American children in an after school program in Washington, DC. Drawing on ethnographic research, Jennifer B. Delfino illustrates how students’ linguistic practices are often perceived as barriers to learning and achievement and provides an in-depth look at how students challenge this perception by using language to transform the meaning of race in relation to ideas about academic success. In providing insight into the institutionalized processes by which African American children are seen and heard as “problem students,” this book helps scholars and practitioners better support marginalized pupils in their efforts to achieve racial transformation and educational justice in schools.

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ConditionBrand New
FormatPaperback, 202 pages
AuthorDelfino, Jennifer B.
Book TitleSpeaking of Race: Language, Identity, and Schoolin
Item Height1.2 cm
Item Length22.9 cm
Item Weight0.3 kg
Item Width15.2 cm
PublisherLexington Books

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