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Star Wars I Am Your Father: Lessons for Parents, Protectors, and Mentors by Dan

Dan Zehr is a podcaster, writer, and lifelong Star Wars fan. When not examining the galaxy far, far away, he works as a high school English teacher with an emphasis on Mythology and Composition and has an MS in Teaching and Learning.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleStar Wars I am Your Father : Lessons for Parents, Protectors, and Mentors
PublisherDorling Kindersley Publishing, Incorporated
Item Length7.3 in
Publication Year2022
Item Height0.4 in
AuthorAmy Richau, Dan Zehr
GenreFamily & Relationships, Performing Arts, Humor
TopicParenting / Fatherhood, Topic / Celebrity & Popular Culture, Film / Genres / Science Fiction & Fantasy
Item Weight6.9 Oz
Item Width5.4 in
Number of Pages64 Pages

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