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Sustainable Economic Growth in Russia: A Structuralist Approach by Ararat L. Osi

Sustainable Economic Growth in Russia by Ararat L. Osipian. Author Ararat L. Osipian. This book presents a theoretical and empirical investigation of sustainable economic growth in Russia. Osipian here analyses whether Russia has potential to achieve sustainable economic growth, filling a gap between the continuous presence of volatile economic growth in Russia and the lack of scholarly literature in the field.

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ConditionBrand New
Publication NameNA
Book TitleSustainable Economic Growth in Russia : a Structuralist Approach
PublisherPalgrave Macmillan
Item Length8.3 in
Publication Year2023
AuthorArarat L. Osipian
GenrePolitical Science, History
TopicEurope / Eastern, Russia & the Former Soviet Union, World / European
Item Weight14.3 Oz
Item Width5.8 in
Number of PagesXvii, 193 Pages

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