Sadhbh Moore and Abi Aspen Glencross are founders of The Sustainable Food Story, a roving supperclub that travels around the world, exploring the origins of food and discussing where it comes from and how we can eat better for our health and the planet. Sadhbh Moore is an eco-chef, nutritionist and sustainable food activist. She has an MA in Sustainable Development from the University of St Andrews, and an MSc in Nutrition for Global Health from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Her initiation into environmental campaigning was working for Greenpeace on the Save the Arctic campaign. Since 2014, she has worked for a range of environmental, youth and food sustainability NGOs, including Global Generation, Julie's Bicycle and Eat Club. In pursuit of her passion for challenges and learning, she most recently worked in polar food operations for the British Antarctic Survey in Antarctica.
Abi Aspen Glencross is a farmer, scientist and environmental entrepreneur. With a MEng in Chemical Engineering, she started her food systems career as a cellular agricultural scientist before swapping lab-grown meat for fields of wheat in 2017, the same year TSFS was born. Upon leaving the lab she volunteered for a few months at Blue Hill and the Stone Barns Center, mostly in the fields but also in the bakery, before returning back to the UK. She now works as a part-time farmer at Duchess Farms - a regenerative collaborative farm in Hertfordshire. After crowdfunding for a milling system in 2020, she now runs milling operations at Duchess. In her most recent endeavour to bridge the world of biotech and farming, she has recently co-founded a start-up as CTO, upcycling agricultural by-products and forgotten crops into next generation proteins. In the down season she sometimes pops up as the guest editor of Sustain's Jellied Eel magazine.
SUSTAINABLE FOOD XX Interpreting sustainable XX Our food philosophy XX Understanding logos & farming terms XX Sourcing ingredients XX Shopping habits CREATING A SUSTAINABLE KITCHEN XX Kitchen ergonomics XX Gathering kitchenwares XX Storage XX Energy & water use XX Growing a kitchen garden COOKING FOUNDATIONS XX Sprouting, krauting & preserving XX Tops, tails, stems & skins XX Cooking vegetables XX Salt RECIPES XX Plant-based XX Vaguean XX Omnivore XX Sauces & sides THE CLEAN DOWN XX Eco cleaning products XX Kitchen cleaning aids XX Managing waste BEYOND THE BOOK XX Community XX Suppliers XX Getting involved in sustainable food XX About us & thank yous