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Sustainable urban mobilities : French fieldworks in European perspective. EcoPol

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ConditionGood and clean copy, like new. - Acknowledgements Introduction Part I Current urban mobilities as "lived" spaces Chapter 1 A socialization-based approach to daily mobilities Chapter 2 Two approaches to understand the evolution of cross-border daily mobility and local residential mobility: The case of cross-border commuters living in Lorraine (France) and working in Luxembourg Chapter 3 Pop-up civic sanctuary and the right to retreat in the city: Disrupting mobility regimes through pause and rest in a mobile "tiny house" encounter space Part II Renewed urban mobilities as "alternatives" spaces? Chapter 4 What drives food flows? Governing food supply chains in peri-urban settings Chapter 5 The political regulation of "sustainable" urban mobility Chapter 6 Urban mobilities in French intermediary cities: The impact of "tactical" urban installations in the context of the Covid-19 pandemicChapter 7 Socio-spatial dynamics and changes in urban mobility practices in a pandemic context: A mixed
VerlagLausanne Berlin : Peter Lang
AutorHamman, Philippe (ed.)
BuchtitelSustainable urban mobilities : French fieldworks in European per

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