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Teaching And Learning Vocabulary : Bringing Research To Practice, Paperback b...

Teaching And Learning Vocabulary : Bringing Research To Practice, Paperback by Hiebert, Elfrieda H. (EDT); Kamil, Michael L. (EDT), ISBN 0805852867, ISBN-13 9780805852868, Brand New, Free shipping in the US Hiebert (University of California-Berkeley) and Kamil (Stanford University) present scientific evidence addressing issues related to the role of vocabulary in text comprehension in young children, English language learners, and adolescents. Early chapters review how vocabulary is learned, and later chapters detail instructional interventions that enhance vocabulary and give advice on which words to choose for vocabulary instruction. Much of the material presented here originated at an October 2003 conference held in Dallas, Texas. Annotation ©2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR ()

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleTeaching And Learning Vocabulary : Bringing Research To Practice
AuthorHiebert, Elfrieda H. (EDT); Kamil, Michael L. (EDT)

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