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Technology Policy: Towards an Integration of Social and Ecological Concerns by G

The main concerns are to provide an overview of changing paradigms and rationales concerning technology policy and to explore mode and extent of integration of social and ecological objectives into programs, organization and practice.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleTechnology Policy
Subject AreaPolitical Science, Technology & Engineering, Business & Economics
Publication NameTechnology Policy : Towards an Integration of Social and Ecological Concerns
PublisherDE Gruyter Gmbh, Walter
Item Length9.1 in
SubjectPublic Policy / Science & Technology Policy, General, Economics / General, Management
Publication Year1994
SeriesDe Gruyter Studies in Organization Ser.
FormatLibrary Binding
AuthorGerd Schienstock
Item Weight30.6 Oz
Item Width6.1 in
Number of Pages432 Pages

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