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Terre Haute: Queen City of the Wabash by Mike McCormick (English) Paperback Book

Terre Haute: Queen City of the Wabash is the first comprehensive history of his city in more than 80 years. Terre Haute by Mike McCormick. Title Terre Haute. Author Mike McCormick. Format Paperback. ISBN-13 9780738524061.

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ConditionBrand New
Publication NameNA
Book TitleTerre Haute : Queen City of the Wabash
Book SeriesMaking of America Ser.
PublisherArcadia Publishing
Item Length9.8 in
Publication Year2005
Item Height0 in
AuthorNot Available
GenreTravel, Photography, History
TopicUnited States / MidWest / East North Central (Il, in, Mi, Oh, Wi), Subjects & Themes / Regional (See Also Travel / Pictorials), United States / State & Local / MidWest (IA, Il, in, Ks, Mi, MN, Mo, Nd, Ne, Oh, Sd, Wi), Pictorials (See Also Photography / Subjects & Themes / Regional)
Item Weight0.9 Oz
Item Width6.8 in
Number of Pages160 Pages

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