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Terrorism and Collective Responsibility by Burleigh Taylor Wilkins (English) Pap

The terrorist threat remains a disturbing issue for the early 1990s. This book explores whether terrorism can ever be morally justifiable and if so under what circumstances. Professor Burleigh Taylor Wilkins suggests that the popular characterisation of terrorists as criminals fails to acknowledge the reasons why terrorists resort to violence.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleTerrorism and Collective Responsibility
Subject AreaPolitical Science, Philosophy
Publication NameTerrorism and Collective Responsibility
Item Length5 in
SubjectTerrorism, General
Publication Year1992
SeriesPoints of Conflict Ser.
FormatUk-B Format Paperback
Item Height0.7 in
AuthorBurleigh Taylor Wilkins
Item Weight9.6 Oz
Item Width8 in
Number of Pages114 Pages

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