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The Addicted Child: A Parent's Guide to Adolescent Substance Abuse

"The Addicted Child" is a parent's guide to adolescent substance abuse. In Non-technical language parents learn how to identify and find treatment programs for their child. Brief chapters explain substances being used by today's adolescents and the process addictions which accompany substance abuse, like self-harm and eating disorders. Parents will learn from Richard Capriola, a mental health and addictions counselor, the importance of comprehensive assessments - and what to look for in a counselor to know you're getting the right help.

12.43$ Buy It Now

Item116339453925Ebay Right Now
Seller yourglobalmall ( 42632 ⭐ ) 97.2%
Location: Hillsdale, AU, NSW
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ConditionBrand New
Item Length21.6 cm

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