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The Allure of Battle: A History of How Wars Have Been Won and Lost

Endurance necessary to victory. Accessible, provocative, exhaustive, and illuminating, The Allure of Battle will spark fresh debate about the history and conduct of warfare. to Frederick and Napoleon--mapping instead the descent into total war.The Allure of Battle systematically recreates and analyzes the major campaigns among the Great Powers, from the Middle Ages through the 20th century, from the fall of Byzantium to the defeat of the Axis powers, tracing the illusion of "short-war thinking," the hope that victory might be swift and conflict brief.

29.77$ Buy It Now

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Seller simplybestprices-10to20dayshipping ( 475554 ⭐ ) 98.1%
Location: Hillsdale, AU, NSW
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ConditionBrand New
Item Length20.8 cm

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