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The American South - a History : Since 1860 by Thomas E. Terrill and William J.

The book covers various topics related to the United States, State & Local, and the South (Al, Ar, FL, GA, Ky, La, ms, Nc, SC, Tn, VA, WV) genres.

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Location: New Brockton, US, Alabama
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ConditionLike New
Publication Year1991
Book TitleAmerican South-A History : since 1860
AuthorThomas E. Terrill, William J. Cooper Jr.
PublisherMcGraw-Hill Companies, T.H.E.
TopicUnited States / State & Local / South (Al, Ar, Fl, Ga, Ky, La, ms, Nc, SC, Tn, VA, WV)

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