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The art of Hegel's aesthetics. Hegelian philosophy and the Perspectives of art h

Gebraucht, aber gut erhalten. - Inhalt: MICHAEL SQUIRE, Introduction: Hegel and art history -- WHITNEY DAVIS, The Absolute in thè mirror: Symbolic art and cosmological perspectivism -- JULIA PETERS, Hegel on Spirit, nature and thè function of classical art -- MICHAEL SQUIRE, Unser Knie beugen wir doch nicht mehr? Hegel, classical art and the Reformation of art history -- FRED RUSH, Still life and the end of painting -- HANNEKE GROOTENBOER, The self-conscious image: Painting and Hegel's idea of reflection -- ROBERT PIPPIN, Hegel on painting -- T.J. CLARK, Beauty lacks strength: Hegel and the art of his Century -- PAUL A.

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ConditionGebraucht, aber gut erhalten. - Inhalt: MICHAEL SQUIRE, Introduction: Hegel and art history -- WHITNEY DAVIS, The Absolute in thè mirror: Symbolic art and cosmological perspectivism -- JULIA PETERS, Hegel on Spirit, nature and thè function of classical art -- MICHAEL SQUIRE, Unser Knie beugen wir doch nicht mehr? Hegel, classical art and the Reformation of art history -- FRED RUSH, Still life and the end of painting -- HANNEKE GROOTENBOER, The self-conscious image: Painting and Hegel's idea of reflection -- ROBERT PIPPIN, Hegel on painting -- T.J. CLARK, Beauty lacks strength: Hegel and the art of his Century -- PAUL A. KOTTMAN, Hegel and Shakespeare on the pastness of art -- INGVILD TORSEN, The future of Hegelian art history: On the body in late modern sculpture -- SEBASTIAN GARDNER, Art's loss of vocation: Hegel and Philosophical Romanticism -- PAUL A. KOTTMAN, Envoi: The art of Hegel's aesthetics. ISBN 9783770562855
GenreStudium & Wissen

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