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The Book of Wood Carving: Techniques, Designs and Projects by Charles Marshall S

It is exceptional in the quality of its illustrations, and contains many original and unusual conceptions and designs.". - E. J. Tangerman. In answer to complaints from students that there was no concise, simple text on wood carving, Charles Marshall Sayers, a nationally famous teacher and craftsman, wrote this book.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleBook of Wood Carving : Technique, Designs and Projects
Book SeriesDover Woodworking Ser.
PublisherDover Publications, Incorporated
Item Length10.6 in
Publication Year1978
FormatTrade Paperback
AuthorCharles Marshall Sayers
GenreCrafts & Hobbies
TopicWoodwork, Carving
Item Weight12.9 Oz
Item Width7.8 in
Number of Pages118 Pages

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