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The Brutish Empire: Four Centuries of Colonial Atrocities by Des Ekin

The Bloody History of British Colonisation For centuries, a small island nation cast a shadow across the world. The British Empire's methods of expansion were often brutal, usually devastating. From Amritsar to Zululand, from the Opium Wars in China to the deliberate infection of Native Americans with smallpox and the cold-blooded treatment of the starving during the Irish Famine, Des Ekin lays bare the atrocities committed in the name of colonisation. With many nations worldwide still grappling with the legacy of British rule, Ekin explores the justifications used to dehumanise other people and rationalise their abuse, exploitation and slaughter. In this rigorously researched and eminently readable book, Des Ekin lifts the veil on the harrowing realities of colonial rule.

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ConditionBrand New
FormatPaperback, 416 pages
AuthorDes Ekin
Book TitleThe Brutish Empire: Four Centuries of Colonial Atr
Item Height2.5 cm
Item Length22 cm
Item Weight0.44 kg
Item Width15 cm
PublisherO'Brien Press Ltd

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