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The Business of Expertise: How Entrepreneurial Experts Convert Insight to Impact

Discover the secrets of expert entrepreneurs with "The Business of Expertise: How Entrepreneurial Experts Convert Insight to Impact". This book, written by RockBench Publishing Corp., provides a comprehensive guide on how to leverage your expertise to create a successful business. Learn from the experiences of successful entrepreneurs and gain insights on how to convert your knowledge into a valuable product. This book is a must-read for anyone who wants to learn about the business of expertise and create a prosperous future.

34.00$ Buy It Now

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Seller thegardenpatch ( 15 ⭐ ) 100.0%
Location: Murfreesboro, US, Tennessee
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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleThe Business of Expertise: How Entrepreneurial Experts Convert I
AuthorRockBench Publishing Corp.

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