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The Chemistry of Tarot The Secret Science of Kabbalah by Babette Leeper: New

Explore the mystical world of tarot with "The Chemistry of Tarot: The Secret Science of Kabbalah" by Babette Leeper. This 512-page book, published in 2014, offers a comprehensive guide to the topic of tarot, delving into its history, principles, and practices. Discover the secrets of the universe and how to interpret the symbols of the tarot cards with this informative and engaging book. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced reader, "The Chemistry of Tarot" is a must-have for anyone interested in the art of tarot.

19.44$ Buy It Now

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Seller loufinlay777 ( 807 ⭐ ) 100.0%
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Publication Date2014-08-14
Book TitleThe Chemistry of Tarot
AuthorBabette Leeper

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