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The Christian Manifesto: Jesus' Life-Changing Words from the Sermon on the Plain

What does genuine Christian living look like in the 21st century, and how can we be motivated to live that way? The answer comes from Jesus’ sermon in Luke 6 (sometimes known as the Sermon on the Plain), which starts, “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God and goes on to lay out God’s vision statement for the Christian life. It is a manifesto that transcends politics, culture and personality, detailing God’s intentions for his people. Alistair Begg unpacks this sermon, encouraging Christians to live a radically different life that upends the world's values and philosophies. It's a lifestyle that is counterintuitive and countercultural, yet one that God blesses with true meaning and impact. As we look at.

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ConditionBrand New
Item Weight0.4972
Publication Year2023
Book TitleChristian Manifesto : Jesus' Life-Changing Words from the Sermon on the Plain
Item Height0.3 in
AuthorAlistair Begg
PublisherGood Book Company, T.H.E.
Item Length7.8 in
TopicChristian Life / Inspirational, Christian Theology / General, Christian Life / Spiritual Growth
Item Width5 in

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