There is no magic bullet to make the coronavirus go away, to restore the global economy, and live like 2020 never happened. World leaders and everyone else have begun to realize the road back will be long, hard, and challenging, as the ripple effects of the pandemic have hit virtually every industry and will reverberate for years to come. The Corona Crash explores the fallout from a virus that could not have come at a worse time - right as society is progressing toward a tech-dominated world where man is displaced by machine. Artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and robotics have already put strains on the global labor market, and the pandemic has added a new dynamic. Written in a hard-hitting style, this book explores how we can cope with our new reality while providing a telescopic view of a future where technology impacts our lives in every imaginable way. Get answers about the pandemic, the toll it has taken on the world, and how we can use it as an impetus to change our priorities and collective future. This book contains many nuggets of wisdom, distilled to its essence, delivered in bite-size chapters that are easy to read and understand. It's not an easy quick-fix, it will just give you the needed information, mental tools and positive mind-set to thrive in this new reality. The thoughts and ideas outlined in this book might not change the world, but it will definitely change your perception and priorities in life. Stay updated at /p>
Eleftherios Jerry Floros is an accomplished author, speaker and consultant on finance, financial technology, artificial intelligence, blockchain, cryptocurrency, conscious capitalism, digital disruption, entrepreneurship, future of work and the global economy. He is a contributing author of the following bestselling books: The WealthTech Book, The PayTech Book The LegalTech Book The Artificial Intelligence Book