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The Decline And Fall Of The British Empire A Brief Account Of Th [Leather Bound]

Complete Title: The decline and fall of the British Empire a brief account of those causes which resulted in the destruction of our late ally together with a comparison between the British and Roman Empires appointed for use in the national schools of Japan 1905 by Mills, Elliott Evans [Leather Bound].

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleThe decline and fall of the British Empire a brie [Leather Bound]
Country/Region of ManufactureIndia
TopicReprint Leather Edition
FormatLeather Bound
Original LanguageEnglish
AuthorMills, Elliott Evans
Publication Year2015
Intended AudienceAdult
PublisherFacsimile Publisher
EditionReprint Deluxe Edition
GenreReprint Leather Edition
FeaturesLeather Bound
PersonalizeCustomization Option available with nominal extra charges.
LeatherGenuine Goat Leather
EmbossingManual Embossing
Leaf PrintingManual Gold Leaf Printing
DesigningManual Designing
BindingManual Binding
BookmarkUniform Colored Bookmark embeded stone
Marble PaperHandmade Marble Paper as end Paper
PaperNatural shade Acid Free Paper
Size5.75 x 9 inches

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