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THE DIARY OF A YOUNG GIRL Anne Frank Bonded Leather Collectible Edition SEALED

This exclusive collectible edition of Anne Frank's "The Diary of a Young Girl" is a must-have for any book lover's collection. With its hardcover format and beautiful English language, this book is a true gem. It is a biography and true story that captures the essence of one of the most iconic individuals of World War II. The book is published by Barnes & Noble and covers a range of topics, including classic collectibles. Its genre is biographies and true stories, with a focus on history. This book is perfect for anyone interested in Anne Frank's life and want to add a unique piece to their collection.

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ConditionBrand New
PublisherBarnes & Noble
Book TitleAnne Frank The Diary of a Young Girl
AuthorAnne Frank
FeaturesLeather bond, ribbon
GenreBiographies & True Stories, History
TopicCollectibles, Classic

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