The effectiveness of conflict of interest policies : a comparative study of holders of public office in the EU member states. Christoph Demmke, Jari Autioniemi, Florian Lenner, Maros Paulini. von Demmke, Christoph, Jari Autioniemi and Florian Paulini Maros Lenner:Autor(en) Demmke, Christoph, Jari Autioniemi and Florian Paulini Maros Lenner:Verlag / Jahr Berlin ; Bern ; Wien : Peter Lang, 2021.Format / Einband Hardcover. 238 p. ; ill.Sprache EnglischGewicht ca. 437 gISBN 3631857675EAN 9783631857670Bestell-Nr 1204623Bemerkungen In very good condition. - Contents -- LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS -- LISTOFBOXES -- LIST OF FIGURES -- LISTOFTABLES -- 1 Introduction: Conflicting interests and Contlicts of Interest in a changing world -- 11 Introduction -- 12 Evaluating the Effectiveness of Colpolicies -- 13 Confiicts of Interest in times of societal change and Innovation -- 14 Towards effective Implementation of Conflicts of Interest Policies - what are preconditions? -- 2 THEORETICALPART -- 21 Defining Conflict of Interest -- 211 Conflicting interests and Col -- 212 Defining Confiicts of Interest (Col) -- 22 Purpose and objective of Col policies -- 23 Col and the need tbr different policies for different Holders of Public Oifice - Why taking a Special interest in Ministers (and EUCommissioners)? -- 24 Special chaüenges for Ministers -- 25 Ministers, Commissioners, Prime Ministers and Presidents and the relationship between Col, political ethics and "dirty hands" -- 26 Methodological Approach -- 261 Data collection, dato analysis, and shortcotnings ofthe survey -- 262 The case ofBelgium -- 27 Effectiveness and targets - what to achieve apart from prevention? -- 28 Strategical, methodological and institutional approaches -preconditions for effective ethics polkies -- 281 Linking effectiveness and objectives of ethics poiicies -- 282 Ihe effectiveness, oftools and 'Instruments -- 283 The effectiveness ofrules and codes of ethics -- 3 PRACTICAL PART -- 31 What cvidcnce - are Conflicts of Interest increasing? -- 32 General trends in the field of Col -- 321 Ever more "sophisticated" - Ihe regulation ofCol -- More rules and higher policy coverage -- Ethicalization of (EU-) rules and Standards -- Broadening ofdefinitkms and wider applicability of tenns -- Stricter Standards and requirements -- 33 Comparative observations - the policy coverage ot Col in the -- M ein her State s -- 331 Col rules as effective instruments in the fight against corruptwn? -- 332 Positive aspects ofrules and Standards -- 333 Debating the Hffectiveness of Codes ofConduct -- 34 Measuring and Moniloring Col -- 341 Oversight, monitoring and ethics committees - structurai features, powers, functions and msources -- 342 Effectiveness of disctosure poiicies -- 35 Critical developments in the field of disdosurc -- 36 Managing the "revolving door" - the greatest challengc of all Colissues -- 361 Revolving doors case study -- Mapping the transiliün -- Maladministration in the EBA's decision to allow the -- former Executive Director to join AFME -- Maladministration in how the EBA handled the other -- consequences ofthe Executive Director's Job move -- Recommendations from the Ombudsman to the EBA -- 362 Revolving door and grey zones -- 37 Conflict of Interest violations and tolerance - why peopk do -- not mind? -- 38 Managing speeifie Col in the appointment of EU Commissioners and members of Cabinet -- 4 Innovation in the field of Col - behavioural instruments and moving towards institutional integrity -- 5 Conclusions: Looking into a Glass Darkly - Future Trends in the Field of Col -- REFERENCES* -- ANNEX A - Questionnaire -- ANNEX B - Codebook. ISBN 9783631857670 Schlagworte Europäische Union ; Mitgliedsstaaten ; Regierung ; Amtsträger ; Interessenkonflikt, Öffentliche Verwaltung, PolitikUnser Preis EUR 35,00(inkl. MwSt.)Versandkostenfrei innerhalb Deutschlands
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