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The English Elegy: Studies in the Genre from Spenser to Yeats by Peter M. Sacks

"The English Elegy" is an ambitious and humane book, an eloquent work on the poetry of mourning. The English Elegy by Peter M. Sacks. Title The English Elegy. He is also the author of In These Mountains, a book of poetry.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleThe English Elegy
Subject AreaLiterary Criticism
Publication NameEnglish Elegy : Studies in the Genre from Spenser to Yeats
PublisherJohns Hopkins University Press
Item Length9 in
SubjectPoetry, European / English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh
Publication Year1987
FormatTrade Paperback
Item Height1.1 in
AuthorPeter M. Sacks
Item Weight20.9 Oz
Item Width5.9 in
Number of Pages392 Pages

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