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The Eyes of the Dragon: A Story -- Stephen King - Paperback

"It is just not possible to stop turning the pages" (The Washington Post) of this bestselling classic tale--an epic fantasy as only #1 New York Times bestselling author Stephen King could envision it. Once, in a kingdom called Delain, there was a king with two sons... Thus begins one of the most unique tales that master storyteller Stephen King has ever written--a sprawling fantasy of dark magic and the struggle for absolute power that utterly transforms the destinies of two brothers born into royalty. Through this enthralling masterpiece of mythical adventure, intrigue, and terror, you will thrill to this unforgettable narrative filled with relentless, wicked enchantment, and the most terrible of secrets.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleEyes of the Dragon : a Novel
PublisherPocket Books
Item Length7.5 in
Publication Year2022
FormatUs-Tall Rack Paperback
Item Height1 in
AuthorStephen King
TopicFantasy / Arthurian, Thrillers / Historical, Fantasy / Epic
Item Weight7.8 Oz
Item Width4.1 in
Number of Pages400 Pages

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