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The Future of Feminism by Sylvia Walby (English) Hardcover Book

The Future of Feminism by Sylvia Walby. Feminism is not dead. Feminism is still vibrant, despite declarations that it is over. Feminism is a success, although many gender inequalities remain. The book provides the definitive account of feminism's new and varied projects, goals, alliances and organizational forms, including feminism as a global wave.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleThe Future of Feminism
Subject AreaSocial Science
Publication NameFuture of Feminism
PublisherPolity Press
Item Length9.3 in
SubjectFeminism & Feminist Theory, Gender Studies
Publication Year2011
Item Height0.8 in
AuthorSylvia Walby
Item Weight16.4 Oz
Item Width6.3 in
Number of Pages224 Pages

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