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The Gift of Caring: Saving Our Parents--and Ourselves--from the Perils of Modern

But as Marcy Houle discovered in caring for her parents, many of the problems often are not "just old age.". Rather, what we need to know is generally not available to the general public. Even more concerning, many health care professionals have had little or no training in the care of older adults.

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ConditionBrand New
Publication NameNA
Book TitleGift of Caring : Saving Our Parents-And Ourselves-From the Perils of Modern Healthcare
PublisherGlobe Pequot Press, T.H.E.
Item Length8.9 in
Publication Year2018
FormatTrade Paperback
Item Height1 in
AuthorJennie Chin Hansen, Elizabeth Eckstrom, Marcy Cottrell Houle
GenreFamily & Relationships, Health & Fitness, Medical
TopicEldercare, Life Stages / Later Years, Health Care Issues, Geriatrics
Item Weight0 Oz
Item Width6 in
Number of Pages336 Pages

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