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The Hairy Dieters Simple Healthy Food: The One-Stop Guide to Losing Weight and

With more than 80 great new recipes, Si and Dave prove that healthy food can be delicious food - and also easy, accessible and affordable. With the abundance of health and nutrition information being published, it can be hard to keep up with what's good for you and what's not; what the latest advice is on low-fat products; or what you need to know about gut health or high fibre diets.

28.34$ Buy It Now

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Location: Los Angeles, US, CA
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ConditionBrand New
FormatPaperback, 192 pages
AuthorThe Hairy Bikers
Book TitleThe Hairy Dieters Simple Healthy Food: The One-Sto
Item Height1.5 cm
Item Length23.6 cm
Item Weight0.33 kg
Item Width18.3 cm
PublisherSeven Dials

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