Nonprofit organizations are facing challenges unheard of in prior times. Societal needs are higher than ever while resources dwindle. Nonprofit CEO's and boards are confused about these and other challenges and what the future will bring. There is a good reason for their concern. Over six out of ten nonprofit leaders say they do not know how to create a compelling vision for the nonprofit. Half of nonprofit frontline managers' report their nonprofit has no vision at all for either the present or future times. Some fifty percent of all nonprofits do not have a written strategic plan. Nearly forty percent of nonprofit leaders say they have high staff turnover rates. And eight out of ten nonprofits do not have a leadership succession plan.Leadership matters! Strategy matters! If the CEO is not setting clear expectations, the CEO is not managing. Rather the CEO is being managed by circumstances and the environment. But you don't have to be a victim of an unmanaged tomorrow. The Holy Grail of Managing a Nonprofit delivers a framework to leaders with step-by-step support for developing and implementing future-oriented and sustainable strategies needed to build long-term stability and astonishing achievements. A few of the benefits gained from reading the Holy Grail of Managing a Nonprofit include learning how: to embed change into the very fabric of your culture; to create a dynamic and engaged board; to use the budget to design the future; to appeal to new donors, and to engage all employees with of your vision.
Mark Mullen is an educator, social scientist, political observer, and award winning author with more than 30 years' experience as a leader in the public sector. Mullen enlightens readers with insights on America's political, business, cultural, educational, and social anxieties. Known for writing books that make facts and ideas come to life like a spellbinding, fast paced novel, Mullen's books are painstakingly researched and undeniably candid. Mullen engages audiences with a systematic and common sense approach to exposing the underbelly of commerce, government agencies, the media, and society. His work seeks to reveal corporate, government, and media manipulations of truth and facts. Mullen's focus is on the difficulties of getting by in America, especially for the middle class. His use of patterns, trends, and behaviors are analyzed through a critical, historical, and sometimes humorous lens.