About the Book
Books about Psychology discuss the behavior of the human mind, conscious and unconscious phenomena, and how mental processes can be understood. Titles include: A History of the Sciences. History of Psychology, Abstraktion und Einfuhlung: ein Beitrag zur Stilpsychologie, An introduction to experimental psychology in relation to education, Collected Papers on the Psychology of Phantasy, Die Psychologie des Mordes, Die Psychologie und Erkenntnisslehre des Johannes Duns Scotus, Freud's theories of the neuroses, Froebel as a pioneer in modern psychology, La Psychologie du Soldat, Medical psychology and psychical research, Strategies of Psychotherapy, Studies in the Psychology of Sex. Sexual Inversion, and The philosophy of self-help; an application of practical psychology to daily life.
Also in this Book
Books about Mental Health deal with the psychological health of people, which may constrain their ability to life a full life, and put pressure on their friends and family. Titles include: Plain Talk About Insanity: Its Causes, Forms, Symptoms, and the Treatment of Mental Diseases, Selected papers on hysteria and other psychoneuroses, and The Psychology of Reasoning: Based on Experimental Researches in Hypnotism.
And in this Book
Books on Healthy Living promote a life style that maintains and improves health and well-being, indicators of which include weight, cholestrol, and blood sugar levels. Examples of titles included for this category are: Health, and How to Promote It, Health Troubles of City Life, How to live 100 years and retain youth, health and beauty; a course of practical lessons in life culture, and The preservation of general health, with some remarks upon healthy skin.
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