The Iron Sun Crossing the Universe Through Black Holes by Adrian Berry
E.P. Dutton, 1999, 0525134905, Hardcover, Dust Jacket, Good condition, bookplate removed from inside back cover, 176 pages.
In this exhilarating volume of informed speculation about the future. Adrian Berry addresses himself to man's dream of traveling to the stars—and here predicts a daring method by which man will be able to cheat the barrier of time and distance to cross the galaxy.
Many scientists today believe that "black holes," relics of stars so compact that not even light can escape. are the entrances to the passages. or "bridges," leading to other parts of the universe first predicted in 1935 by Einstein and a colleague. Basing his thinking on modern interpretations of Einstein's theory. Berry envisages the establishment of a galactic empire. a society in which our descendants will be scattered through millions of worlds in orbits around countless stars. These stars, however. are vastly distant from us. A journey to them by conventional means could take centuries. Instantaneous travel will be the ultimate answer to this problem. in Berry's view. and in The Iron Sun he shows how it will be feasible, probably within the next 250 years. for a spaceship to vanish in one place and reappear the very next instant in another.
To achieve this feat. our descendants will fly their spaceships straight into black holes. In Part One of this book, Berry describes in lively detail the real nature of black holes, drawing on the latest discoveries and implications of black hole theory. In Part Two, he outlines a plan to artificially manufacture them, near enough to earth to be of practical value to us, by means of an ambitious and gigantic engineering project in space.As in his previous book, The Next Ten Thousand Years, Adrian Berry demonstrates a remarkable gift for presenting advanced ideas in the simplest terms without traducing the scientific backing for his arguments. and his explanations are always clear and engaging. Both for the general reader with no scientific background and for the serious student, he has provided a provocative and thoroughly exciting odyssey through the laws and paradoxes of time and space.
ADRIAN BERRY, Science Correspondent for the London Daily Telegraph, is the author of the widely praised The Next Ten Thousand Years: A Vision of Man's Future in the Universe. He is a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, a Senior Member of the British Interplanetary Society. and a member of the National Space Institute of America.
Jacket design by John Clarke
Acknowledgements Introduction
PART ONE: Through the Black Hole Where Matter Vanishes
2 The Spinning Gateway3 Into the Whirlpool4 The Forbidden Circle
PART TWO: The Iron Sun
5 The Arm of Orion6 The Astromagnets7 The Politicians8 The Other End of the LabyrinthEpilogue
Appendix I : Diameters of the Navigable Apertures of Black Holes of Different MassesAppendix II: Some Milestones in the Development of Black Hole TheoryAppendix III: A do-it-yourself Guide to Einstein's Two Main Theories of Relativity
GlossaryReferences and NotesBibliographyIndex
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