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The Making of a Spy In the Sky: A Story of a World War II Pilot

The story of "the making of a pilot" moves from formal training to being commissioned a pilot with wings. We fly along with the new pilot as he learns to master each new and different airplane, from the P-40 "Tomahawk" to the P-39 " Airacobra" and the P-51 "Mustang" in preparation for combat.

26.40$ Buy It Now

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Location: Hillsdale, AU, NSW
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ConditionBrand New
FormatPaperback, 258 pages
AuthorDr Hoyt M Warren
Book TitleThe Making of a Spy In the Sky: A Story of a World
Item Height1.4 cm
Item Length25.4 cm
Item Weight0.45 kg
Item Width17.8 cm
PublisherOutskirts Press

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