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The Moon and its Nodes in Evolutionary Astrology by Deva Green Paperback Book

Deva Green is the daughter of the founder of Evolutionary Astrology, Jeffery Wolf Green. Deva has also compiled her father's previously unpublished work into 'Essays on Evolutionary Astrology'. She studied with her father for many years and has a very deep and comprehensive understanding of the work, completing her first book 'Evolutionary Astrology' in 2009.

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ConditionBrand New
Publication NameNA
Book TitleMoon and Its Nodes in Evolutionary Astrology
PublisherWessex Astrologer The Limited, T.H.E.
Item Length9.2 in
Publication Year2022
FormatTrade Paperback
Item Height0.5 in
AuthorDeva Green
GenreBody, Mind & Spirit
TopicAstrology / General
Item Weight11.5 Oz
Item Width6.1 in
Number of Pages230 Pages

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