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The mystery of Edwin Drood (1870), by Charles Dickens A NOVEL (illustrated): Sir

Dickens died before completing The Mystery of Edwin Drood, leaving its tantalising mystery unsolved and encouraging successive generations of readers to turn detective. Charles Dickens is one of the best-loved novelists in the English language, whose 200th anniversary was celebrated in 2012.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleMystery of Edwin Drood (1870),by Charles Dickens a NOVEL (illustrated) : Sir Samuel Luke Fildes (3 October 1843 - 28 February 1927) Was an English Painter and Illustrator Born in Liverpool
Item Length10 in
Publication Year2016
FormatTrade Paperback
Item Height0.5 in
AuthorCharles Dickens, Sir Samuel Luke Fildes
Item Weight18.6 Oz
Item Width8 in
Number of Pages206 Pages

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