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The Mythic Moons of Avalon: Lunar and Herbal Wisdom from the Isle of Healing

The Mythic Moons of Avalon presents an innovative practice, built around working with herbal allies and the cycles and phases of the moon, that leads to soul healing and spiritual transformation. To heal the Avalonian way, you'll meet the goddesses who represent the thirteen moons of the year (including the blue moons and lunar eclipses), delve deeply into Welsh mythology, and use herbal elixirs and rituals to improve your physical, emotional, and spiritual health and personal power. This book examines Avalon as a place of psychospiritual healing and rebirth. With it, you'll make powerful herbal and goddess allies on your journey to the sovereign self within.

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Location: Hillsdale, AU, NSW
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ConditionBrand New
FormatPaperback, 456 pages
AuthorTelyndru, Jhenah
Book TitleThe Mythic Moons of Avalon: Lunar and Herbal Wisdo
Item Height2.5 cm
Item Length22.6 cm
Item Weight0.35 kg
Item Width15.2 cm
PublisherLlewellyn Publications,U.S.

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