Foreword xi
Preface xiii
Acknowledgments xvii
About the Authors xix
Chapter 1: Introduction to Scaling Agile 1
Why Agile? 2
Why Scrum? 2
Why Nexus? 5
Simplicity Is the Key to Scaling 6
Chapter 2: Introducing Nexus 7
What Is Nexus? 7
Nexus Extends Scrum 8
The Nexus Integration Team 10
Nexus Events 12
Nexus Artifacts 17
What Do You Need to Get Started with Nexus? 19
Closing 20
Chapter 3: Forming a Nexus 21
Evolving a Cross-functional Team 24
Growing a Nexus 29
Forming the Nexus Integration Team 32
How Does a Nexus Work? 34
Chapter 4: Planning in Nexus 35
Consolidating and Validating the Product Backlog 35
Planning a Sprint in a Nexus 47
Closing 55
Chapter 5: Running a Sprint in Nexus 57
The Nexus Daily Scrum 58
Providing Transparency Inside and Outside the Nexus 61
Nexus Sprint Retrospective 68
Closing 73
Chapter 6: Evolving the Nexus 75
Optional Practice: Organizing Scrum Teams around Features 77
Optional Practice: Managing Code Like an Open-Source Project 78
Optional Practice: Organizing Teams around Personas 81
Expanding the Nexus Integration Team 83
Updating and Refining the Product Backlog 83
Nexus Sprint Planning, Revisited 85
The Nexus Daily Scrum, Take Two 86
The Nexus Sprint Review, Take Two 88
The Nexus Sprint Retrospective, Take Two 89
Closing 96
Chapter 7: The Nexus in Emergency Mode 97
Product Backlog Refinement, Take Three 99
Nexus Sprint Planning, Take Three 102
The Nexus Daily Scrum, Take Three 108
What to Do When the Nexus Starts to Struggle 110
The Nexus (Pseudo) Sprint Review and Retrospective 118
Closing 119
Chapter 8: Retrospective on the Nexus Journey 121
What Worked Well 122
Areas for Improvement 126
What's Next? 132
Closing 133
Glossary 135
Index 143